Legal Terms Disclaimer

Terms of Service

Note: Whenever I say, “I”, “Carpet Captain”, or “the site,” I’m referring to anything related to the website or its authors.

Carpet Captain is a FREE resource provided to you, mostly by a single person. It’s not my full-time job, but I do my best to keep it up to date and helpful for carpet shoppers. In fact, I take pride in that.

With that said, I’ve been told it’s in my best interest to give Carpet Captain’s readers some “legal notices.” In particular, I need to make sure you are aware that I am not a professional of any kind as it relates to this site. I’m not a carpet installer. I’m not an accountant. I’m not an attorney, etc. This is just my best attempt at providing your my experiences and research on flooring I’ve gained over the last 10+ years (you can read more on the about page). In other words, anything you read on here is only a starting point. You should verify any information found on this site with professional advice.

Below I’ll go into more details on how the site works, disclaimers, disclosures, etc. This was prepared without a lawyer, but more with the mindset, what do my readers deserve to know?

Using our service

By using our Service (any pages, tool, content, etc on this website), you agree to all terms on this page. In addition, you understand that all Services are owned by Carpet Captain, and that you must have permission before reproducing any Service on this site. You can contact us to request permission or if you have any questions about these terms.

This site earns money

I started Carpet Captain to help flooring shoppers.

This hasn’t changed, and it won’t change.

By helping thousands of carpet shoppers, there are natural opportunities for the site to generate revenue. Most of this revenue goes into making this site a better resource for flooring shoppers: hiring people to improve the design and user experience, my time in creating and editing the content of the site, server and domain bills etc.

There are two primary ways I make money on this site: displaying advertisements (usually banner ads) and affiliate commissions. Here are things you should know about both:

For advertisements:

  • Currently, my banner ads are provided through a third party: Google Ads.
  • I don’t control what Google displays to you, but I trust that they will show you quality advertisements

For affiliate revenue:

  • If there is a product or service I recommend, I may be making a commission from it.
  • While I take pride in my recommendations, I don’t control the quality of any products or services you purchase through Carpet Captain or its affiliates.
  • Amazon asks its affiliates to specifically give you this notice: “ is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”
  • Most of my affiliate revenues come from large companies like Amazon, BuildDirect and other major flooring retailers. This allows me to pick the best products from a large catalog, and the commission rates are the same no matter the product. In other words, I’m choosing the products because I like it, not because of the commission rate.
  • If you have a problem with any product or service I recommend, please let me know, so I can improve my recommendations for future readers. Your feedback is the only way I can improve.

And finally, I must end with a legal disclaimer: If you use this site, you agree to not hold me responsible for any poor outcomes of any variety that occur by purchasing a product or service recommended by me. In other words, it is up to you to verify the quality of any product or service recommended before purchasing.

Advice on site is intended to be helpful but outcomes can’t be guaranteed

I’ve already touched on this, but I can’t continually monitor all information on this site. I try to keep it up to date and accurate, but there are surely errors. In some cases, errors may occur due to lack of update or just misunderstanding on my part. In other cases, I may allow comments on the site, and I cannot control what others write. I may allow guest authors to contribute to the site content.

I give recommendations I think will help you. Like any advice, it could backfire. In addition, there may be other authors on the site or comments that I do not control. You must agree to hold me harmless for any ramifications whether they are financial, physical or otherwise.

More notes on comments and user-generated content

In some areas of the website, internet users are able to contribute. The most obvious example is the comments section. I do not control what is posted in the comments section, and you can’t hold me liable for anything which is said.

I like to promote free speech on Carpet Captain, so all readers can benefit from the experiences and questions of others. For this reason, I try not to moderate discussion if possible. That said, I do hold the right to delete comments I don’t find helpful to the discussion, this may be comments I find to be hateful, intentionally misleading or having a monetary incentive (eg the goal of the comment is for the author to promote his/her products or businesses). There is some gray area here, and I can not be held responsible.

I will never edit the content of a comment with a few exceptions: removing a link or otherwise promotional piece of a comment or improving the readability of a comment(s). Example of both:

  • removing a link or promotional content: portions of comments like “Find the best flooring at Texas Floor Store” or “” may be removed. Normally, I will indicate I’ve deleted these sections in brackets, eg. [promotional content removed] or [link removed]
  • improving the readability of a comment: In these cases, a reader may have used multiple comments where one would be more appropriate, eg comment 1: “what do I look for in durable laminate”, comments 2 by the same reader: “oh also does thickness matter”. I may take comment 2 and copy and paste it into the first comment so the two comments take less space. Another example, I reader may type with caps-lock on. In this case, I might recopy the message but without caps lock

As you can see, any modifications of comments is to improve the reader experience but try to keep the conversation going. If you ever have any concerns about the modification of a comment, please contact me.

By using this site you agree to the following terms

Information on this site ( is provided ‘as is’ with no warranty of any kind. Authors, the site owner, and affiliates assume no liability for errors or omissions contained in the content of the site. All information is for informational purposes and not intended for professional advice.

Carpet Captain is for informational purposes only to serve as a starting point for your flooring research. I have no licenses or professional qualifications that pertain to this site. By using this site, you agree that you are using any information on this site at your own risk. And by using this site, you agree to hold me harmless for any ramifications of any type (financial, injury, or otherwise) that occur as a result of acting on information found on this site.

You understand and agree with everything on this page.

Should you agree to these terms, I think you’ll love the site! My hope is these rules lay some “groundwork” for an environment for everyone to learn more about their flooring purchase. And as always, contact me if you have any questions regarding this agreement or otherwise.

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